Writing and storytelling have been part of every job I’ve had in my professional life. For many years that was outlet enough to keep me happy. Five years ago I decided to see if I could write a novel. It had been on my bucket list since high school. Waking the Rider was the result.

In the middle of writing Waking, the characters began telling me there was more story to tell. The next two books in that series, Light of Gylfa and Finding Alex, started out as one book but that got to be too much to manage. After that I just kind of got in the habit of writing and eventually it became something I couldn’t not do.

I write about the worlds I’d like to visit and characters I’d like to meet. And even though most of my stories take place outside the reality we know, there’s a good bit of me in every one.

Please check out my books on Amazon, explore my site, and come back to visit often.  I’ll try to keep it updated with new ideas and material.